corsage & boutonniere etiquette
Pin-on corsages and boutonnieres are worn on the left lapel with the flower facing up.
Wrist corsages are worn on the left wrist.
Pin corsage/boutonniere from the back so the pins are not visible, cross the pins so the flower does not roll around or flop over.
Please be careful with seatbelts squishing the flower if driving. It may be best to pin flowers on at the venue.
Please keep in mind; Corsages and Boutonnieres are a perishable product, it is normal for the flower to wilt or fade as the day progresses. Especially with our hot summer days. Keep flowers in a cool place (ie. refrigerated) until just before using.
Photo by Jennie Lee Photography
Photo by Jennie Lee Photography
Photo by Emma Love Photography
Photo by Lisa Hippe Photography
Photo by Organic Photography