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Birth-flower Bouquet Painting

Birth-flower Bouquet Painting


The perfect family bouquet! Choose the birth flower for each of your family members and create a custom bouquet. Each painting can accomodate up to 5 flowers, additional flowers will be $10 each and the painting will be on larger sized paper.


Paintings are approximately 4.5x6" in size, painted with professional grade watercolour paints on 140lb cold pressed, heavy weight, watercolour paper. Paintings should be framed behind glass for best preservation.


Once flower choices have been decided, a rough pencil sketch will be emailed for approval. Up to 1 change can be accomodated if neccessary. 

Colours can be discussed but final selections will be made by the artist and no changes will occur after painting. Payment in full is made BEFORE  the pencil sketch is created and is non-refundable.


Every painting is custom and artists evolve, as such the artist may not create an identical rendering of the images shown. Every effort will be made to remain true. As within nature; no two flowers are identical, and neither is art!

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